Once Upon a Birth: My Birth Story
There are experiences that test your faith, and there are experiences that show you just how real G-d is. .. my birth story is both of...

Call The Midwife! Homebirth Prenatal Care
It's been a little over a week since our little fella was born, I'm STILL on cloud 9,999! I've gotten a lot of questions about home...

My Homebirth Journey: He's Here!!
Bismillah (With The Name of G-d). I am still processing the life altering events that have occurred over the weekend. Grateful, humbled,...

Our Homebirth Journey: Mental Preparation
In the *modified* famous words of Beyoncé, “I see it (vision), I want it (goal), I grind hard (action), I own it (success)!” I believe...

My Birth Journey: Why I'm Choosing Homebirth
My journey to a home birth, and in my case, a home birth after two cesarean sections (HBA2C) is not one that I made on a whim, or without...